Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thinkers of Twentieth Century : Richard Rorty

by, Diganta Oza
(regular column in SATSORI vol. 5 issue no. 10 , 1-31 May, 2010)

An analytical philosopher, Richard McKay Rorty developed a novel form of pragmatism, that expressed itself along two main axes. In Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature, one of his famous book, Rorty's principal target was the philosophical idea of knowledge as representation, as a mental mirroring of a mind-external world. Rorty's treatment of truth and knowledge that has drawn fire from philosophers. He was said to be an anti- philosopher.

In Assamese, one will rarely find any essay on one of this most profounding personality. In fact, with some exceptions like Russel, Foucault, Derrida and Popper, one will rarely find out discussions on twentieth centuries thinkers. Starting with Rorty in this issue, I am trying to introduce some of great thinkers like P. Feyerbend, P. Singer, Delueze etc., to Assamese readers here in this column.

1 comment:

Dhrijyoti said...

A good endeavor.The per se Assamese reader needs to know the teleological development of ontology(by this, I mean the entire tree of philosophy).Subtle works of some thinkers have changed the thinking of a following great work. In order to understand them in replete, a causative reading is a prerequisite. What do I a world of intelligent and critical readership,the Assamese must also be decisive upon the context of the text, without blindly nodding to the author.Simple minds have an inclination to straightly being in consensus with the author. That is misinterpretation...Why I write this? The work seems to instigate a new process.Will continue later...