Monday, September 07, 2009

"People of Lower Assam are more Lovely"

Assam is a state of multi- ethnicity. There are Ahoms, Bodos,Mishings, Sonowals, Rabhas, Kalitas, Brahmins, Rajbangsis and so on. Undoubtedly Assamese society is a mix society, but we people don’t trust other. Sometimes we become more Kalitas or Brahmins than Assamese; we may go for a conflict zone for a single dhoti! Even we can go to divide Assam as 'lower' and 'upper' for our small interests! But the seed of assimilation is in our own society. It is just a matter of our vision. I wrote this in my regular column in the SATSORI, September 09. One should respect other—everyone knows it; then why we don’t do this?

I sincerely believe that we can capitalize this multi-ethnicity, multi-culture and multi-language situation of Assam.

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